Wednesday, April 15, 2009

vultures stopped circling. Doom wasn't apart of it. Everyone sat, blank faced, piecing together their own temper. Happenstance: a word that means we had no bidding and a corralling of no ones' fault. Eat still, and for the drink, can there be no compliment? Drink still and be still by useless digits, rallied skyward to mark the apex of the sun. At 2:30 we put away our old selves. She, her marked time, clocks in at just under radical, ready to make peace with the stench of their jobs let loose by old age, night shifts or the habit that wrought them and is stripped, fair skinned to the city legislature. She, who at any time would pledge allegiance to Emporia's flag if there were one, samples air dirty to be clean, smokeless, mean and the jar runs empty for the fifth time this week.

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